A work-in-progress puzzle game designed to teach people about Gerrymandering.

Drawing Districts:

In the game, a panel of districts is on the right. You can select a district, or just begin drawing with the left-mouse button. 

Squares placed on houses will use up the district's available houses. Placing squares on non-houses or empty spaces will cost nothing.

To erase a square from a district, click and hold or right-click.

The challenge of the game is to win with as little of the popular vote as possible, so try to get the party with the fewest voters to win.

Creating a Custom Game:

You can add or subtract parties or change the number and size of districts to make the game more complex. A series of interesting puzzles and a complex tale of political intrigue is planned.

When changing the number of voters, the district size changes automatically to represent the fairest size for each district. (It is best to accept the value given.) The maximum size represents how many voters (houses) a district can have in it. The minimum size represents how few voters can have before the votes are counted. 

Note: you can't make any levels and save them without downloading a PC version. (Not yet available)

Development log


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Good concept, looking forward to see it fleshed out.

Thanks! I'll try to keep working on it.